But when I refresh it after go to a page it gives 404 error (For example in www.test.uk/angular/user). Set up the <base href> element correctly. . DevTools. 1. Here are 37 of the best examples of 404 pages done well. Http error 404: How to fix it on your online store - PrestaShop My static website settings: When I navigate to a page that doesn't exist, these are the headers Azure returns: HTTP/1.1 404 The requested content does not exist. Web.config contents is If this is not what you want, you can disable this behavior by typing: Getting 404 on pages other than root when Blazor hosted in IIS If it's WordPress, create a ".htaccess" file with the following content and put it under your document root. Angular application 404 on refresh with NGINX? - Server Fault You can expand the list by selecting the plus sign (+) next to your server name. While performing concurrent operations, a database must ensure data integrity. This Angular post is compatible with Angular 4 upto latest versions, Angular 7, Angular 8, Angular 9, Angular 10, Angular 11 & Angular 12. For example, rendering a 404 page when the user does not have access privelages to a route. I created it using the command line "dotnet" command and edited with VS Code. Use the Angular Tour of Heroes as a sample Angular Router application. Schematics for Libraries. Laurie Atkinson, Premier Developer Senior Consultant, A few tweaks are necessary to take an Angular app and move it to IIS. 1). What we are going to create? Optimal .htaccess configuration for Angular 12, Angular 11 ... - Gist How to Integrate Angular 12 with Node.js Restful Services There are 2 steps: - Set the output directory to static folder: The second approach is to have Angular and ASP.NET Core as different applications. under MVC routs. Help me please!! NoSuchKey error on doing a refresh of the website. Authoring Schematics. Add the following import statement. How to Handle Errors with Angular Error Handling - Code Maze App works corectly when I use only angular routing (change component, not redirecting) but when I refresh the page in browser, I get a 404 page returned from IIS (I use IIS as the web server) Here is my angular routing:
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